Source code for

RocketLogger Data Import Support.

File reading support for RocketLogger data (rld) files.

Copyright (c) 2016-2020, ETH Zurich, Computer Engineering Group
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
  list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
  contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
  this software without specific prior written permission.


from math import ceil, floor
import os
from os.path import isfile, splitext
import warnings

import numpy as np

_ROCKETLOGGER_ADC_CLOCK_SCALE = (100e6 / 49) / 2.048e6






    0: "unit-less",
    1: "voltage",
    2: "current",
    3: "binary",
    4: "data valid (binary)",
    5: "illuminance",
    6: "temperature",
    7: "integer",
    8: "percent",
    9: "pressure",
    10: "time delta",
    0xFFFFFFFF: "undefined",
    0: False,
    1: False,
    2: False,
    3: True,
    4: True,
    5: False,
    6: False,
    7: False,
    8: False,
    9: False,
    10: False,
    0xFFFFFFFF: False,

    {"low": "I1L", "high": "I1H", "merged": "I1"},
    {"low": "I2L", "high": "I2H", "merged": "I2"},

def _decimate_binary(values, decimation_factor, threshold_value=0.5):
    Decimate binary values, using a threshold value.

    :param values: Numpy vector of the values to decimate

    :param decimation_factor: The decimation factor

    :param threshold_value: The threshold value in [0, 1] to use for decimation

    :returns: Numpy vector of the decimated values
    count_new = floor(values.shape[0] / decimation_factor)
    count_old = count_new * decimation_factor
    aggregated_values = np.reshape(values[0:count_old], (count_new, decimation_factor))
    return np.logical_not(
        np.sum(aggregated_values, axis=1) < (threshold_value * decimation_factor)

def _decimate_min(values, decimation_factor):
    Decimate binary values, forcing False if occurring.

    :param values: Numpy vector of the values to decimate

    :param decimation_factor: The decimation factor

    :returns: Numpy vector of the decimated values
    count_new = floor(values.shape[0] / decimation_factor)
    count_old = count_new * decimation_factor
    aggregated_values = np.reshape(values[0:count_old], (count_new, decimation_factor))
    return np.sum(aggregated_values, axis=1) >= decimation_factor

def _decimate_max(values, decimation_factor):
    Decimate binary values, forcing True if occurring.

    :param values: Numpy vector of the values to decimate

    :param decimation_factor: The decimation factor

    :returns: Numpy vector of the decimated values
    count_new = floor(values.shape[0] / decimation_factor)
    count_old = count_new * decimation_factor
    aggregated_values = np.reshape(values[0:count_old], (count_new, decimation_factor))
    return np.sum(aggregated_values, axis=1) > 0

def _decimate_mean(values, decimation_factor):
    Decimate analog values, using averaging of values.

    :param values: Numpy vector of the values to decimate

    :param decimation_factor: The decimation factor

    :returns: Numpy vector of the decimated values
    count_new = floor(values.shape[0] / decimation_factor)
    count_old = count_new * decimation_factor
    aggregated_values = np.reshape(values[0:count_old], (count_new, decimation_factor))
    return np.mean(aggregated_values, axis=1)

def _read_uint(file_handle, data_size):
    Read an unsigned integer of defined data_size from file.

    :param file_handle: The file handle to read from at current position

    :param data_size: The data size in bytes of the integer to read

    :returns: The integer read and decoded
    return int.from_bytes(, byteorder="little", signed=False)

def _read_int(file_handle, data_size):
    Read a signed integer of defined data_size from file.

    :param file_handle: The file handle to read from at current position

    :param data_size: The data size in bytes of the integer to read

    :returns: The integer read and decoded
    return int.from_bytes(, byteorder="little", signed=True)

def _read_str(file_handle, length):
    Read an ASCII string of defined length from file.

    :param file_handle: The file handle to read from at current position

    :param length: The length of the string to read

    :returns: The string read and decoded
    raw_bytes =
    return raw_bytes.split(b"\x00")[0].decode(encoding="ascii")

def _read_timestamp(file_handle):
    Read a timestamp from the file as nano second datetime64 (Numpy).

    :param file_handle: The file handle to read from at current position

    :returns: The read date and time as nano second datetime64 (Numpy)
    seconds = _read_int(file_handle, _TIMESTAMP_SECONDS_BYTES)
    nanoseconds = _read_int(file_handle, _TIMESTAMP_NANOSECONDS_BYTES)
    timestamp_ns = np.datetime64(seconds, "s") + np.timedelta64(nanoseconds, "ns")
    return timestamp_ns

[docs]class RocketLoggerFileError(IOError): """RocketLogger file read/write related errors.""" pass
[docs]class RocketLoggerDataError(Exception): """RocketLogger data handling related errors.""" pass
[docs]class RocketLoggerDataWarning(Warning): """RocketLogger data handling related warnings.""" pass
[docs]class RocketLoggerData: """ RocketLogger data file handling class. File reading and basic data processing support for binary RocketLogger data files. The constructor takes the same parameters as :func:`load_file`. :param filename: The filename of the file to import. If numbered files following the "<filename>_p#.rld" convention are found, they can be joined during import using the `join_files` parameter. :param join_files: Enable joining of multiple files, if numbered files following the "<filename>_p#.rld" convention are found :param exclude_part: Exclude given part(s) of number files when joining following the "<filename>_p#.rld" convention. Expects a single index or list or Numpy array of indexes to exclude. Silently ignores indexes beyond the number of found parts. Only applicable when joining multiple files with `join_files=True`. :param header_only: Enable to import only header info without data :param decimation_factor: Decimation factor for values read :param recovery: Attempt recovery of damaged files that have lost or incomplete data blocks at the end of the file. This can be caused by power supply failures during measurements. :param memory_mapped: Set `False` to fall back to read entire file to memory at once, instead of using memory mapped reading. Might increase file read performance for many smaller files and/or some system configurations. """ def __init__( self, filename=None, join_files=True, header_only=False, exclude_part=None, decimation_factor=1, recovery=False, memory_mapped=True, ): self._data = [] self._filename = None self._header = {} self._timestamps_monotonic = [] self._timestamps_realtime = [] if filename is None: raise NotImplementedError( "RocketLogger data file creation currently unsupported." ) if isfile(filename): self.load_file( filename, join_files=join_files, exclude_part=exclude_part, header_only=header_only, decimation_factor=decimation_factor, recovery=recovery, memory_mapped=memory_mapped, ) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"File '{filename}' does not exist.") def _read_file_header_lead_in(self, file_handle): """ Read a RocketLogger data file's header fixed size lead-in :param file_handle: The file handle to read from, with pointer positioned at file start :returns: Dictionary containing the read file header lead-in data """ header = {} header["file_magic"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _FILE_MAGIC_BYTES) header["file_version"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _FILE_VERSION_BYTES) # file consistency check if header["file_magic"] != _ROCKETLOGGER_FILE_MAGIC: raise RocketLoggerFileError( "Invalid RocketLogger data file, file magic mismatch " f"0x{header['file_magic']:08x}." ) if header["file_version"] not in _SUPPORTED_FILE_VERSIONS: raise RocketLoggerFileError( f"Unsupported RocketLogger data file version {header['file_version']}." ) # read static header fields header["header_length"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _HEADER_LENGTH_BYTES) header["data_block_size"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _DATA_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES) header["data_block_count"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _DATA_BLOCK_COUNT_BYTES) header["sample_count"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _SAMPLE_COUNT_BYTES) header["sample_rate"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _SAMPLE_RATE_BYTES) header["mac_address"] = bytearray( header["start_time"] = _read_timestamp(file_handle) header["comment_length"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _COMMENT_LENGTH_BYTES) header["channel_binary_count"] = _read_uint( file_handle, _CHANNEL_BINARY_COUNT_BYTES ) header["channel_analog_count"] = _read_uint( file_handle, _CHANNEL_ANALOG_COUNT_BYTES ) # header consistency checks if header["comment_length"] % 4 > 0: warnings.warn( RocketLoggerDataWarning( f"comment length unaligned {header['comment_length']}." ) ) if ( ceil(header["sample_count"] / header["data_block_size"]) != header["data_block_count"] ): raise RocketLoggerFileError("inconsistent number of samples taken!") elif ( header["sample_count"] < header["data_block_size"] * header["data_block_count"] ): sample_count_original = header["sample_count"] header["data_block_count"] = floor( header["sample_count"] / header["data_block_size"] ) header["sample_count"] = ( header["data_block_count"] * header["data_block_size"] ) sample_count_diff = sample_count_original - header["sample_count"] warnings.warn( RocketLoggerDataWarning( f"Skipping incomplete data block at end of file ({sample_count_diff} samples)." ) ) return header def _read_file_header(self, file_handle): """ Read a RocketLogger data file's header, including comment and channels. :param file_handle: The file handle to read from, with pointer positioned after lead-in/at start of comment :returns: Dictionary containing the read file header data """ header = self._read_file_header_lead_in(file_handle) # read comment field header["comment"] = _read_str(file_handle, header["comment_length"]) # FILE VERSION DEPENDENT FIXES (BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY) # - none - # read channel headers header["channels"] = [] for ch in range( header["channel_binary_count"] + header["channel_analog_count"] ): channel = {} channel["unit_index"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _CHANNEL_UNIT_INDEX_BYTES) channel["scale"] = _read_int(file_handle, _CHANNEL_SCALE_BYTES) channel["data_size"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _CHANNEL_DATA_BYTES_BYTES) channel["valid_link"] = _read_uint(file_handle, _CHANNEL_VALID_LINK_BYTES) channel["name"] = _read_str(file_handle, _CHANNEL_NAME_BYTES) try: channel["unit"] = _CHANNEL_UNIT_NAMES[channel["unit_index"]] except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"Undefined channel unit with index {channel['unit_index']}." ) # FILE VERSION DEPENDENT FIXES (BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY) # fix 1 based indexing of valid channel links for file version <= 2 if (header["file_version"] <= 2) & ( channel["valid_link"] != _CHANNEL_VALID_UNLINKED ): channel["valid_link"] = channel["valid_link"] - 1 # add channel to header header["channels"].append(channel) # consistency check: file stream position matches header size stream_position = file_handle.tell() if stream_position != header["header_length"]: raise RocketLoggerFileError( f"File position {stream_position} does not match " f"header size {header['header_length']}" ) return header def _validate_matching_header(self, header1, header2): """ Validate that file headers match, i.e. correspond to the same measurement. :param header1: First file header data to compare :param header2: Second file header data to compare """ required_matches = [ "file_version", "header_length", "data_block_size", "sample_rate", "mac_address", "start_time", "comment_length", "channel_binary_count", "channel_analog_count", ] for header_field in required_matches: if header1[header_field] != header2[header_field]: raise RocketLoggerDataError( f"File header not matching at field: {header_field}" ) def _read_file_data( self, file_handle, file_header, decimation_factor=1, memory_mapped=True ): """ Read data block at the current position in the RocketLogger data file. :param file_handle: The file handle to read from, with pointer positioned at the beginning of the block :param file_header: The file's header with the data alignment details :param decimation_factor: Decimation factor for values read :param memory_mapped: Set `False` to fall back to read entire file to memory at once, instead of using memory mapped reading. Might increase file read performance for many smaller files and/or some system configurations. :returns: Tuple of realtime, monotonic clock based Numpy datetime64 arrays, and the list of Numpy arrays containing the read channel data """ # generate data type to read from header info total_bin_bytes = _BINARY_CHANNEL_STUFF_BYTES * ceil( file_header["channel_binary_count"] / (_BINARY_CHANNEL_STUFF_BYTES * 8) ) binary_channels_linked = [ channel["valid_link"] for channel in file_header["channels"] ] analog_data_formats = [] analog_data_names = [] data_formats = [] data_names = [] if total_bin_bytes > 0: data_names = ["bin"] data_formats = [f"<u{total_bin_bytes:d}"] for channel in file_header["channels"]: if not _CHANNEL_IS_BINARY[channel["unit_index"]]: data_format = f"<i{channel['data_size']:d}" analog_data_formats.append(data_format) data_formats.append(data_format) analog_data_names.append(channel["name"]) data_names.append(channel["name"]) # read raw data from file data_dtype = np.dtype({"names": data_names, "formats": data_formats}) block_dtype = np.dtype( [ ("realtime_sec", f"<M{_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS_BYTES:d}[s]"), ("realtime_ns", f"<m{_TIMESTAMP_NANOSECONDS_BYTES:d}[ns]"), ("monotonic_sec", f"<M{_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS_BYTES:d}[s]"), ("monotonic_ns", f"<m{_TIMESTAMP_NANOSECONDS_BYTES:d}[ns]"), ("data", (data_dtype, (file_header["data_block_size"],))), ] ) # access file data, either memory mapped or direct read to memory["header_length"]) if memory_mapped: file_data = np.memmap( file_handle, offset=file_header["header_length"], mode="r", dtype=block_dtype, shape=file_header["data_block_count"], ) else: file_data = np.fromfile( file_handle, dtype=block_dtype, count=file_header["data_block_count"], sep="", ) # reference for data blocks speeds up access time block_data = np.array(file_data["data"], copy=False) # extract timestamps timestamps_realtime = file_data["realtime_sec"] + file_data["realtime_ns"] timestamps_monotonic = file_data["monotonic_sec"] + file_data["monotonic_ns"] # allocate empty list of channel data data = [None] * ( file_header["channel_binary_count"] + file_header["channel_analog_count"] ) # extract binary channels for binary_channel_index in range(file_header["channel_binary_count"]): channel_index = binary_channel_index data[channel_index] = np.array( 2 ** binary_channel_index & block_data["bin"], dtype=np.dtype("b1") ) data[channel_index] = data[channel_index].reshape( file_header["sample_count"] ) # values decimation if decimation_factor > 1: # decimate to zero for valid links, threshold otherwise if channel_index in binary_channels_linked: data[channel_index] = _decimate_min( data[channel_index], decimation_factor ) else: data[channel_index] = _decimate_binary( data[channel_index], decimation_factor ) # extract analog channels for analog_channel_index in range(file_header["channel_analog_count"]): channel_index = file_header["channel_binary_count"] + analog_channel_index data[channel_index] = np.array( block_data[analog_data_names[analog_channel_index]], dtype=np.dtype(analog_data_formats[analog_channel_index]), ) data[channel_index] = data[channel_index].reshape( file_header["sample_count"] ) # values decimation if decimation_factor > 1: data[channel_index] = _decimate_mean( data[channel_index], decimation_factor ) return timestamps_realtime, timestamps_monotonic, data def _get_channel_index(self, channel_name): """ Get the index of a data channel. :param channel_name: Name of the channel :returns: The index of the channel, `None` if not found """ channel_names = [channel["name"] for channel in self._header["channels"]] try: channel_index = channel_names.index(channel_name) except ValueError: channel_index = None return channel_index def _get_channel_name(self, channel_indexes): """ Get the names of a list of channel indexes. :param channel_indexes: List or single index of channel(s) :returns: The channel name or a list multiple channel names """ if isinstance(channel_indexes, list): channel_names = [] for index in channel_indexes: channel_names.append(self._header["channels"][index]["name"]) return channel_names else: return self._header["channels"][channel_indexes]["name"]
[docs] def add_channel(self, channel_info, channel_data): """ Add a new data channel to the RocketLogger data structure. .. note:: If a valid channel is to the channel being added, the linked channel has to be added first. :param channel_info: Channel info structure of the channel to add, a dictionary with the following fields designed: - "unit_index" -- index of the measurement unit of the channel - "scale" -- data unit scale, an integer exponent - "data_size" -- size in bytes of the channel data - "valid_link" -- index of the valid channel - "name" -- name of the channel (max 16 bytes) :param channel_data: The actual channel data to add, Numpy array """ if not isinstance(channel_info, dict): raise TypeError("Channel info structure is expected to be a dictionary.") # check full channel info available if "unit_index" not in channel_info: raise ValueError("Channel info: unit not defined.") if channel_info["unit_index"] not in _CHANNEL_UNIT_NAMES: raise ValueError("Channel info: invalid channel unit.") if "scale" not in channel_info: raise ValueError("Channel info: scale not defined.") if not isinstance(channel_info["scale"], int): raise TypeError("Channel info: invalid scale.") if "data_size" not in channel_info: raise ValueError("Channel info: data size not defined.") if not isinstance(channel_info["data_size"], int): raise TypeError("Channel info: invalid data size.") if "valid_link" not in channel_info: raise ValueError("Channel info: link not defined.") if not isinstance(channel_info["valid_link"], int): raise TypeError("Channel info: invalid link.") if (channel_info["valid_link"] >= len(self._header["channels"])) & ( channel_info["valid_link"] != _CHANNEL_VALID_UNLINKED ): raise ValueError("Channel info: invalid link.") if "name" not in channel_info: raise ValueError("Channel info: name undefined.") if not isinstance(channel_info["name"], str): raise TypeError("Channel info: invalid name.") if len(channel_info["name"]) > _CHANNEL_NAME_BYTES: raise ValueError("Channel info: name too long.") if channel_info["name"] in self.get_channel_names(): raise ValueError( f"Cannot add channel with name '{channel_info['name']}', name already in use." ) # check data if len(self._header["channels"]) > 0: if channel_data.shape != self._data[0].shape: raise RocketLoggerDataError( f"Incompatible data size. Expected array of shape {self._data[0].shape}." ) # add channel info and data if _CHANNEL_IS_BINARY[channel_info["unit_index"]]: self._data.insert(self._header["channel_binary_count"], channel_data) self._header["channels"].insert( self._header["channel_binary_count"], channel_info ) self._header["channel_binary_count"] = ( self._header["channel_binary_count"] + 1 ) else: self._data.append(channel_data) self._header["channels"].append(channel_info) self._header["channel_analog_count"] = ( self._header["channel_analog_count"] + 1 )
[docs] def remove_channel(self, channel_name): """ Remove a data channel from the RocketLogger data structure. .. note:: Linked valid channels are not automatically removed. If they shall be removed as well, call this function first on the linked channel. :param channel_name: Name of the channel """ channel_index = self._get_channel_index(channel_name) if channel_index is None: raise KeyError(f"Channel '{channel_name}' not found.") # update links of channels affected by indexing change for channel_info in self._header["channels"]: if channel_info["valid_link"] == channel_index: channel_info["valid_link"] = _CHANNEL_VALID_UNLINKED elif channel_info["valid_link"] > channel_index: channel_info["valid_link"] = channel_info["valid_link"] - 1 # delete actual data and header entry del self._data[channel_index] del self._header["channels"][channel_index] # adjust header fields if channel_index < self._header["channel_binary_count"]: self._header["channel_binary_count"] = ( self._header["channel_binary_count"] - 1 ) else: self._header["channel_analog_count"] = ( self._header["channel_analog_count"] - 1 )
[docs] def load_file( self, filename, join_files=True, exclude_part=None, header_only=False, decimation_factor=1, recovery=False, memory_mapped=True, ): """ Read data from a RocketLogger data file. :param filename: The filename of the file to import. If numbered files following the "<filename>_p#.rld" convention are found, they can be joined during import using the `join_files` flag. :param join_files: Enable joining of multiple files if numbered files following the "<filename>_p#.rld" convention are found :param exclude_part: Exclude given part(s) of number files when joining following the "<filename>_p#.rld" convention. Expects a single index or list or Numpy array of indexes to exclude. Silently ignores indexes beyond the number of found parts. Only applicable when joining multiple files with `join_files=True`. :param header_only: Enable to import only header info without data :param decimation_factor: Decimation factor for values read :param recovery: Attempt recovery of damaged files that have lost or incomplete data blocks at the end of the file. This could e.g. be caused by power supply failures during measurements. :param memory_mapped: Set `False` to fall back to read entire file to memory at once, instead of using memory mapped reading. Might increase file read performance for many smaller files and/or some system configurations. """ if self._filename is not None: raise RocketLoggerDataError( "A data file is already loaded. Use separate instance for new file." ) if not join_files and exclude_part is not None: raise ValueError("exclude_part on applicable when joining files") if exclude_part is None: exclude_part = [] elif isinstance(exclude_part, int): exclude_part = [exclude_part] elif isinstance(exclude_part, np.ndarray): exclude_part = list(exclude_part) if not isinstance(exclude_part, list): raise ValueError( "invalid exclude_part: accepting integer," "a list of integers or an integer Numpy array." ) file_basename, file_extension = splitext(filename) file_number = 0 files_loaded = 0 while True: # skip excluded files if file_number in exclude_part: file_number = file_number + 1 continue # derive file name from index and abort if next file does not exist if file_number == 0: file_name = filename else: file_name = f"{file_basename}_p{file_number}{file_extension}" # for multi-part import end import if next file is not found if join_files and not isfile(file_name): break with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle: if files_loaded == 0: # read full header for first file header = self._read_file_header(file_handle) else: # read header lead-in only for continuation file header = self._read_file_header_lead_in(file_handle)["header_length"]) # consistency check against first file self._validate_matching_header(header, self._header) # reuse previously read header fields header["comment"] = self._header["comment"] header["channels"] = self._header["channels"] # validate decimation factor argument if (header["data_block_size"] % decimation_factor) > 0: raise ValueError( "Decimation factor needs to be divider of the buffer size." ) if header_only: # set data arrays to None on header only import self._timestamps_realtime = None self._timestamps_monotonic = None self._data = None else: # calculate data block size block_bin_bytes = _BINARY_CHANNEL_STUFF_BYTES * ceil( header["channel_binary_count"] / (_BINARY_CHANNEL_STUFF_BYTES * 8) ) block_analog_bytes = sum( [ c["data_size"] for c in header["channels"] if not _CHANNEL_IS_BINARY[c["unit_index"]] ] ) block_size_bytes = 2 * _TIMESTAMP_BYTES + header[ "data_block_size" ] * (block_bin_bytes + block_analog_bytes) # file size and header consistency check and recovery file_size =, os.SEEK_END) file_data_bytes = ( header["header_length"] + header["data_block_count"] * block_size_bytes ) if file_size != file_data_bytes: data_blocks_recovered = floor( (file_size - header["header_length"]) / block_size_bytes ) data_blocks_truncated = ( header["data_block_count"] - data_blocks_recovered ) if recovery: header["data_block_count"] = data_blocks_recovered header["sample_count"] = ( data_blocks_recovered * header["data_block_size"] ) warnings.warn( RocketLoggerDataWarning( f"corrupt data: recovered {data_blocks_recovered}" f" data blocks, truncating {data_blocks_truncated}" " incomplete data blocks." ) ) else: raise RocketLoggerDataError( "corrupt data: file size and header info mismatch, " f"or {data_blocks_truncated} truncated data blocks at " "the file end." ) # channels: read actual sampled data ( timestamps_realtime, timestamps_monotonic, data, ) = self._read_file_data( file_handle, header, decimation_factor=decimation_factor, memory_mapped=memory_mapped, ) # store new data array on first file, append on following if files_loaded > 0: self._timestamps_realtime = np.concatenate( (self._timestamps_realtime, timestamps_realtime) ) self._timestamps_monotonic = np.concatenate( (self._timestamps_monotonic, timestamps_monotonic) ) for i in range(len(self._data)): self._data[i] = np.concatenate((self._data[i], data[i])) else: self._timestamps_realtime = timestamps_realtime self._timestamps_monotonic = timestamps_monotonic self._data = data # multi-file header if files_loaded == 0: self._header = header else: self._header["sample_count"] = ( self._header["sample_count"] + header["sample_count"] ) self._header["data_block_count"] = ( self._header["data_block_count"] + header["data_block_count"] ) file_number = file_number + 1 files_loaded = files_loaded + 1 # skip looking for next file if joining not enabled if not join_files: break # check valid data loaded if files_loaded == 0: raise RocketLoggerDataError( f"Could not load valid data from '{filename}' " "and current import configuration." ) # adjust header files for decimation self._header["sample_count"] = round( self._header["sample_count"] / decimation_factor ) self._header["data_block_size"] = round( self._header["data_block_size"] / decimation_factor ) self._header["sample_rate"] = round( self._header["sample_rate"] / decimation_factor ) self._filename = filename
[docs] def get_channel_names(self): """ Get the names of all the channels loaded from file. :returns: List of channel names sorted by name """ channel_names = [] for channel in self._header["channels"]: channel_names.append(channel["name"]) return sorted(channel_names)
[docs] def get_comment(self): """ Get the comment stored in the file header. :returns: Comment stored in the file """ return self._header["comment"]
[docs] def get_header(self): """ Get a dictionary with the header information. The relevant fields include: "data_block_count", "data_block_size", "file_version", "mac_address", "sample_count","sample_rate", and "start_time". To get the file comment use :func:`get_comment`. :returns: Dictionary of relevant header information """ header_dict = {} for key, value in self._header.items(): if key in [ "data_block_count", "data_block_size", "file_version", "sample_count", "sample_rate", "start_time", ]: header_dict[key] = value elif key == "mac_address": header_dict[key] = ":".join([f"{v:02x}" for v in value]) return header_dict
[docs] def get_filename(self): """ Get the filename of the loaded data file. :returns: The absolute filename of the loaded data file """ return os.path.abspath(self._filename)
[docs] def get_data(self, channel_names=["all"]): """ Get the data of the specified channels, by default of all channels. :param channel_names: The names of the channels for which the data shall be returned. List of channel names or "all" to select all channels. :returns: A Numpy array containing the channel's data vectors """ if not isinstance(channel_names, list): channel_names = [channel_names] if "all" in channel_names: channel_names = self.get_channel_names() if self._data is None: raise TypeError("No data to access for header only imported file.") values = np.empty((self._header["sample_count"], len(channel_names))) for channel_name in channel_names: index = self._get_channel_index(channel_name) if index is None: raise KeyError(f"Channel '{channel_name}' not found.") values[:, channel_names.index(channel_name)] = self._data[index] * 10 ** ( self._header["channels"][index]["scale"] ) return values
[docs] def get_time(self, time_reference="relative"): """ Get the timestamp of the data. Using simple linear interpolation to generating the sample from the block timestamps. For local or network timestamps the values for the last data block are extrapolated using the average time delta of all data blocks. :param time_reference: The reference to use for timestamp calculation: - "relative" -- Calculate timestamp from sample rate, and the sample index relative to the measurement start time (default) - "local" -- Get the timestamp of the local oscillator clock - "network" -- Get the timestamp of the network synchronized clock :returns: A Numpy array containing the timestamps """ if self._timestamps_monotonic is None: raise TypeError("No data to access for header only imported file.") # get requested timer data as numbers if time_reference == "relative": timestamps = np.arange(0, self._header["sample_count"]) / ( self._header["sample_rate"] * _ROCKETLOGGER_ADC_CLOCK_SCALE ) elif time_reference == "local": timestamps = self._timestamps_monotonic.astype("<i8") elif time_reference == "network": timestamps = self._timestamps_realtime.astype("<i8") else: raise ValueError(f"Time reference '{time_reference}' undefined.") # interpolate absolute time references (and extrapolate for last data block) if time_reference in ["local", "network"]: block_points = np.arange( 0, self._header["sample_count"] + 1, self._header["data_block_size"] ) block_timestamps = np.concatenate( (timestamps, [timestamps[-1] + np.diff(timestamps).mean()]) ) data_points = np.arange(0, self._header["sample_count"]) data_timestamp = np.interp(data_points, block_points, block_timestamps) # convert to datetime again timestamps = data_timestamp.astype("datetime64[ns]") return timestamps
[docs] def get_unit(self, channel_names=["all"]): """ Get the unit of the specified channels, by default of all channels. :param channel_names: The names of the channels for which the unit shall be returned. List of channel names or "all" to select all channels. :returns: List of channel units sorted by channel_names list """ if not isinstance(channel_names, list): channel_names = [channel_names] if "all" in channel_names: channel_names = self.get_channel_names() channel_units = [] for channel_name in channel_names: index = self._get_channel_index(channel_name) if index is None: raise KeyError(f"Channel '{channel_name}' not found.") channel_units.append(self._header["channels"][index]["unit"]) return channel_units
[docs] def get_validity(self, channel_names=["all"]): """ Get the validity of the specified channels, by default of all channels. :param channel_names: The names of the channels for which the validity shall be returned. List of channel names or "all" to select all channels. :returns: A Numpy array containing the channel's validity vectors """ if not isinstance(channel_names, list): channel_names = [channel_names] if "all" in channel_names: channel_names = self.get_channel_names() if self._data is None: raise TypeError("No data to access for header only imported file.") validity = np.ones( (self._header["sample_count"], len(channel_names)), dtype=bool ) for channel_name in channel_names: data_index = self._get_channel_index(channel_name) if data_index is None: raise KeyError(f"Channel '{channel_name}' not found.") valid_link = self._header["channels"][data_index]["valid_link"] if valid_link != _CHANNEL_VALID_UNLINKED: validity[:, channel_names.index(channel_name)] = self._data[valid_link] return validity
[docs] def merge_channels(self, keep_channels=False): """ Merge seamlessly switched current channels into a combined channel. :param keep_channels: Whether the merged channels are kept :returns: Self reference to data object """ if self._data is None: raise TypeError( "Data operations not permitted for header only imported file." ) merged_channels = False for candidate in _CHANNEL_MERGE_CANDIDATES: # check if inputs available and linked low_index = self._get_channel_index(candidate["low"]) high_index = self._get_channel_index(candidate["high"]) # skip if one input unavailable if (low_index is None) or (high_index is None): continue # error if merge target exists if self._get_channel_index(candidate["merged"]) is not None: raise RocketLoggerDataError( "Name of merged output channel " f"'{candidate['merged']}' already in use." ) # check for channel valid link low_channel = self._header["channels"][low_index] high_channel = self._header["channels"][high_index] low_valid_index = low_channel["valid_link"] if low_valid_index > len(self._header["channels"]): raise RocketLoggerDataError( f"Channel '{low_channel['name']}' has invalid link ({low_valid_index})." ) # build merged channel info and data merged_channel_info = {} merged_channel_info["unit"] = low_channel["unit"] merged_channel_info["unit_index"] = low_channel["unit_index"] merged_channel_info["scale"] = low_channel["scale"] merged_channel_info["data_size"] = ( low_channel["data_size"] + high_channel["data_size"] ) merged_channel_info["valid_link"] = _CHANNEL_VALID_UNLINKED merged_channel_info["name"] = candidate["merged"] # merge data: force data type to prevent calculation overflow merged_data = (1 * self._data[low_valid_index]) * self._data[low_index] + ( 1 * np.logical_not(self._data[low_valid_index]) ) * self._data[high_index].astype( np.dtype(f"<i{merged_channel_info['data_size']:d}") ) * 10 ** ( high_channel["scale"] - low_channel["scale"] ) # add merged channel self.add_channel(merged_channel_info, merged_data) # drop original channels if not kept, update header info if not keep_channels: valid_channel_name = self._get_channel_name(low_valid_index) self.remove_channel(valid_channel_name) self.remove_channel(candidate["low"]) self.remove_channel(candidate["high"]) merged_channels = True if not merged_channels: warnings.warn(RocketLoggerDataWarning("No channels found to merge.")) return self
[docs] def get_dataframe(self, channel_names=["all"], time_reference="relative"): """ Shortcut to get a pandas dataframe of selected channels indexed with timestamps. By default all channels are exported and relative timestamps are used for indexing. See also :func:`get_data` and :func:`get_time` functions. Requires pandas package to be installed. :param channel_names: The names of the channels for which the data shall be returned. List of channel names or "all" to select all channels. :param time_reference: The reference to use for timestamp calculation: - "relative" -- Calculate timestamp from sample rate, and the sample index relative to the measurement start time (default) - "local" -- Get the timestamp of the local oscillator clock - "network" -- Get the timestamp of the network synchronized clock :returns: A pandas dataframe the channel's data as columns, indexed by the timestamps of the selected format """ import pandas as pd if not isinstance(channel_names, list): channel_names = [channel_names] if "all" in channel_names: channel_names = self.get_channel_names() df = pd.DataFrame( self.get_data(channel_names=channel_names), index=self.get_time(time_reference=time_reference), columns=channel_names, ) return df
[docs] def plot(self, channel_names=["all"], show=True): """ Plot the loaded RocketLogger data. Requires matplotlib package to be installed. :param channel_names: The names of the channels for which the data shall be returned. List of channel names (or combination of): - "all" -- to select all channels - "voltages" -- to select voltage channels - "currents" -- to select current channels - "digital" -- to select digital channels :param show: Whether to show the plot window or not :returns: The matplotlib plot object used for plotting """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not isinstance(channel_names, list): channel_names = [channel_names] channels_digital = self._header["channels"][ 0 : self._header["channel_binary_count"] ] channels_current = [ channel for channel in self._header["channels"] if channel["unit"] == "current" ] channels_voltage = [ channel for channel in self._header["channels"] if channel["unit"] == "voltage" ] channels_others = [ channel for channel in self._header["channels"][ self._header["channel_binary_count"] : ] if channel["unit"] not in ["voltage", "current"] ] plot_current_channels = [] plot_digital_channels = [] plot_voltage_channels = [] plot_other_channels = [] # get and group channels to plot for channel_name in channel_names: if channel_name == "all": plot_current_channels = channels_current plot_digital_channels = channels_digital plot_voltage_channels = channels_voltage plot_other_channels = channels_others break elif channel_name == "voltages": plot_voltage_channels = channels_voltage elif channel_name == "currents": plot_current_channels = channels_current elif channel_name == "digital": plot_digital_channels = channels_digital else: channel_index = self._get_channel_index(channel_name) if channel_index is None: raise KeyError(f"Channel '{channel_name}' not found.") if channel_name in [ch["name"] for ch in channels_voltage]: plot_voltage_channels.append( self._header["channels"][channel_index] ) elif channel_name in [ch["name"] for ch in channels_current]: plot_current_channels.append( self._header["channels"][channel_index] ) elif channel_name in [ch["name"] for ch in channels_digital]: plot_digital_channels.append( self._header["channels"][channel_index] ) # prepare plot groups plot_groups = [ plot_voltage_channels, plot_current_channels, plot_digital_channels, plot_other_channels, ] plot_groups_axis_label = ["voltage [V]", "current [A]", "digital", ""] plot_time = self.get_time() subplot_count = len([group for group in plot_groups if len(group) > 0]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_count, 1, sharex="col") if subplot_count == 1: ax = [ax] plt.suptitle(self._filename) # plot subplot_index = 0 for i in range(len(plot_groups)): plot_channels = plot_groups[i] if len(plot_channels) == 0: continue plot_channel_names = [channel["name"] for channel in plot_channels] plot_channel_data = self.get_data(plot_channel_names) ax[subplot_index].plot(plot_time, plot_channel_data) ax[subplot_index].set_ylabel(plot_groups_axis_label[i]) ax[subplot_index].legend(plot_channel_names) subplot_index = subplot_index + 1 ax[subplot_count - 1].set_xlabel("time [s]") if show: return plt