RocketLogger Calibration

The rocketlogger.calibration module provides the support for RocketLogger device calibration. This calibration data processing support is built around the class rocketlogger.calibration.RocketLoggerCalibration.

To generate a calibration file from your calibration measurements use the RocketLogger:

>>> from import RocketLoggerData
>>> from rocketlogger.calibration import RocketLoggerCalibration, CALIBRATION_SETUP_SMU2450
>>> filename_prefix = "20200101_"
>>> data_i1l = RocketLoggerData(f"{filename_prefix}calibration_i1l.rld")
>>> data_i2l = RocketLoggerData(f"{filename_prefix}calibration_i2l.rld")
>>> data_ih = RocketLoggerData(f"{filename_prefix}calibration_ih.rld")
>>> data_v = RocketLoggerData(f"{filename_prefix}calibration_v.rld")
>>> cal = RocketLoggerCalibration()
>>> cal.load_measurement_data(
...     data_v,
...     data_i1l,
...     data_ih,
...     data_i2l,
...     data_ih,
... )

or using the shortcut with passing the trace filenames:

>>> filename_prefix = "20200101_"
>>> cal = RocketLoggerCalibration(
...     f"{filename_prefix}calibration_v.rld",
...     f"{filename_prefix}calibration_i1l.rld",
...     f"{filename_prefix}calibration_ih.rld",
...     f"{filename_prefix}calibration_i2l.rld",
...     f"{filename_prefix}calibration_ih.rld",
... )

to calculate new calibration parameters and store the files use:

>>> cal.recalibrate(CALIBRATION_SETUP_SMU2450)
>>> cal.write_calibration_file("calibration.dat")

it is recommended to print the errors within the calibration data to verify that the provided calibration measurements were properly recorded:

>>> cal.print_statistics()

the statistics output can also be save as log file (it is recommend to always keep a log file along with the calibration):

>>> cal.write_log_file("calibration.log")

An example script that can be used for performing the calibration calculations is available in distributed with the source package or available in the package’s repository.

Further, the script is available to convert legacy calibration files used for RocketLogger versions 1.x to the latest format.

For more details on the individual functions and its optional parameters, please we refer to the API documentation of the rocketlogger.calibration.RocketLoggerCalibration class.